




bet亚洲365欢迎投注 is a learning community dedicated to helping students develop the intellect, 字符, 以及开化所需的技能, 道德, 以及在21世纪的全球社会中富有成效的生活. 学生应该追求卓越的教育,同时对自己的工作诚实,对学习社区的其他成员公平. All work presented to 教练s for evaluation must reflect their own ideas and effort, 并且必须恰当地承认他人的贡献. Students should expect this honesty and fairness in others as well. 作为圣母学习社区的一员, all students should adhere to the following principles of academic integrity outlined below.



学术违规包括作弊, 抄袭或伪造与学院有关的官方记录. General classroom misbehavior is considered a non-academic violation. If you have questions about whether a behavior is considered academic misconduct, 请联系学生行为办公室.  Additional information is included in the Academic Integrity section of the 学生行为准则.

请使用 违反学术诚信表格 通知学生行为办公室的违规行为.  此外,教师还需要填写 院系评审表格   把这个交给学生行为办公室.



学术诚信小组(AIP) 由学生行为办公室(Office of 学生的行为)从受过培训的教师/工作人员中选出的三人听证小组(或教师/工作人员),听取并解决学术诚信案件. 至少两名小组成员将是全职教员.

上诉官员: 学生事务副校长或其指定人员. Cases involving suspension/expulsion from the institution are appealed to the 上诉 Officer, 与负责学术事务的副校长协商后.

上诉委员会: 由经过培训的教师或教职员工组成的三人小组,由学生行为办公室从未在学术诚信小组任职的成员中选出. 至少两名小组成员将是全职教员. Cases not involving suspension/expulsion from the institution are appealed to an 上诉 Panel.

教员/老师: Any person hired by the College to provide instruction to students.

听力: A formal procedure before a panel after an incident is referred or the responding party does not agree with the resolution.

证据优势: 信息, 作为整体考虑, which indicates that it is more likely than not that a policy violation occurred.

响应方: The student who has allegedly violated the Code of 学生的行为, 监管, 或政策.

报告方: Any member of the community who alleges that a student has violated the Code of 学生的行为, 监管, 或政策.

学生: Any person currently or formerly enrolled in courses at the College, 包括在线, 非现场, 全职, 兼职, 本科生或研究生.

证人(es): 包括, 但不限于任何可以提供有关事件细节的第一手资料和/或与当事人有过互动的人.  This may include investigators, conduct officers, faculty, or other college administrators.



Acts of academic dishonesty include, 但不限于, the following actions:

  • 作弊:
    • Intentionally using or attempting to use any unauthorized assistance, 包括但不限于:课程材料, 与其他学生分享答案或考试信息, 笔记, 研究艾滋病, 或手机或相机等设备)在学术练习中. “学术练习”包括, 但不限于, 小测验, 测试, 考试, 或者给项目和作业打分.
    • Intentionally copying or attempting to copy from someone else's test, 测试, 赋值, data, 或者实验室报告.
    • Permitting another student to copy from a test, 测试, 赋值, data, 或者实验室报告.
    • Engaging in any behavior specifically prohibited by an 教练 in the course syllabus or class discussion.
    • 提交已购买的作品, or borrowing from work submitted in a previous or concurrent class, 除非教官明确许可.
    • Permitting another student to substitute for oneself in an academic evaluation.
    • Unauthorized communication to another student through written, visual, electronic, or oral means.
  • 销售记录, 施舍, 或其他材料,未经教师授权,或未经学院和教师明确书面许可,将其用于任何商业目的.
  • 伪造或歪曲你的学术工作.
  • Knowingly helping another student violate academic behavior standards.
  • 获得不公平的优势,包括但不限于:
    • Attempting to influence or change an academic evaluation, grade, or record by unfair means. This would include altering academic work that has been resubmitted without indicating that the work has been altered.
    • Marking or submitting an examination or evaluative material in a manner designed to deceive the grader or the grading system.
    • Willfully damaging the academic work or efforts of another student.
    • 使用图书馆资料, 计算机设备, or college facilities in a manner intended to improperly restrict equal access by others to those resources.
  • Plagiarism: using work not appropriately cited, including but not limited to:
    • Using another person’s ideas or expressions as if they are your own and/or without properly acknowledging the source, 不管这是不是一场意外.
    • Submitting material (in whole or part) that has been prepared by another individual(s) or commercial agency, 或组织.
    • Submitting work that has at any time been submitted to fulfill another academic requirement, 要么在bet亚洲365欢迎投注,要么在其他机构.
    • 引用未被访问的材料.
    • Submitting data that have been altered or contrived in such a way as to be deliberately misleading.




  • 如果要在两门或两门以上的课程中提交学分,必须事先得到相关教师的批准.
  • A student who cooperates with one or more other students in an act of academic dishonesty is subject to the same penalties.
  • Those students who witness an act of academic dishonesty are expected to report it to the proper college official.
  • 学术不诚实行为可能导致最高处罚,包括该课程的“F”等级和/或被学院停学或开除.



Upon suspicion that a student has violated the 学术诚信标准, 记录教员通知他/她的院长, attempts to contact the student to inform him/her of the alleged violation, 安排时间讨论这件事, 并决定制裁或制裁.  The 教练 begins completing the Academic Integrity-Incident Report 为m that will be submitted to the Office of 学生的行为.

  • Following the Incident Report form the Referral/Summary Adjudication form will need to be completed. There is a place for students to sign acknowledging that they and the faculty member:
    • have reached an agreement concerning the allegations and sanctions, or
    • have reached an agreement concerning the allegations but not the grade sanction imposed.
    • have not reached an agreement with the student regarding the allegations and sanctions, 要求举行正式的听证会
    • 由于这些行为或指控令人震惊,该案件已被提交给学生行为办公室,以协调听证过程.

Acknowledgement sent from the student’s Marist Mail account is acceptable as an electronic signature. 如果学生没有在表格上签名, he/she is considered to have “not reached agreement regarding the incident.”

  • 如果是第一次, minor offense: If the responding student accepts responsibility for the alleged violation, the student will receive an academic sanction determined by the 教练 of record, 这可能包括课程不及格. The form is submitted to the Office of 学生的行为, and the case is closed.
  • 如果是第一次, minor offense: If the responding student accepts responsibility for the alleged violation but not the academic sanction, 该表格将提交给学生行为办公室, and the student may appeal the grade sanction through the Grade 上诉 Policy. 
  • 如果确定这是重复犯罪, 如果教练觉得事件很严重, 或者学生否认责任, 该表格将提交给学生行为办公室, 由学术诚信委员会发起听证会.



  • When an 教练 alleges a violation of the 学术诚信标准, 以下流程适用:
    • 导师通知学院院长.
    • The 教练 attempts to contact the student to inform the student of the alleged violation(s).
    • 做出回应的学生将有一个非正式的机会来解决这些指控,并签署转介/简易裁决表,表明他们接受或否认对违规行为负责。. 学生可以使用通过Marist Mail发送的电子邮件代替转介/简易裁决表格中的学生签名.
    • The 教练 then signs and submits the Referral/Summary Adjudication form to the Office of 学生的行为. 该文件成为学生行为档案的一部分,由学生行为办公室用于跟踪学术不诚实事件, 包括学生的多次犯罪.
      • If the responding student accepts responsibility for the alleged violation, the student will receive an academic sanction determined by the 教练 of record, 这可能包括课程不及格.
      • If the responding student accepts responsibility for the alleged violation but not the academic sanction, the student may appeal the grade sanction through the Grade Appeal Policy.
      • 如果教官报告事件严重, 或者学生否认责任, the Office of 学生的行为 will initiate a hearing with an Academic Integrity Panel.
      • If the Office of 学生的行为 determines the case is a repeat offense, it will notify the 教练 and student and initiate a hearing with an Academic Integrity Panel.
    • The Office of 学生的行为’s Disciplinary Records policy describes how student conduct records are shared and retained.
  • 当学生行为办公室从非教学来源(如其他学生)收到有关涉嫌违反学术诚信标准的信息时, 安全及保安, 等.), the Office of 学生的行为 shall inform the Dean of the School in which the violation allegedly took place before proceeding. 院长应通知任何受影响的教师.
    • 如果最初不清楚所报告的行动是否最好通过学术行动或纪律行动程序进行, 学生行为办公室和学院院长将负责, 与导师协商后, 决定在处理案件时采用何种程序.
    • In the case of severe violations of the 学术诚信标准, 学生行为办公室应根据学院院长的建议,根据学院记录中的信息启动听证程序(见下文C).
    • In the case of multiple violations of the 学术诚信标准, the Office of 学生的行为 shall initiate the hearing process (see C below) based on information contained in college records.
  • 当听证会开始时, 学术诚信小组(AIP)是经过培训的听证会小组,负责审查涉嫌违反学术诚信标准的行为,并提出调查结果和制裁建议. AIP由学生行为办公室协调,以解决涉嫌违反学术诚信标准的案件.
    • 学生行为主任或指定人员担任AIP的顾问,协调听证会过程,并协助小组为被指控学术不诚实的学生提供公平公正的听证会.
    • 每个学院的教师将由院长推荐参加学术诚信小组,任期一年,可以续签.
    • 在可能的情况下, AIP将由三名全职教师组成, 最好来自不同的学校. 当有三名教员不在时, the AIP will consist of two 全职 faculty and one staff member.
    • 员工是通过申请和面试选出的.
    • The Chair of each hearing will be a faculty member on the Academic Integrity Panel designated by the Director of 学生的行为.
  • 一旦听证开始, 答辩方和指导员将收到《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》小组听证程序中所述的听证通知.
  • 应诉方将在与讲师会面期间或在与AIP会面之前获得一份支持指控的所有可用信息的副本.
  • 由三人组成的AIP将审理此案,并决定是否有充分证据证明该学生违反了学术诚信标准. 除应诉方外, the 教练 and witnesses may be contacted to provide testimony. When necessary, the responding party may provide testimony though video conference / telepresence. 指导员可以在远程提供证词. If requested, witnesses may also provide testimony from a remote location.
  • 如果AIP建议的调查结果是“负责任的”(即.e., 学生对违反学术诚信标准负责),委员会将建议纪律处分或制裁, which may include suspension or expulsion as stated in the Code of 学生的行为.
  • 学生行为办公室将审查AIP建议的调查结果和制裁措施,并向学生和指导员发送书面结果通知. The written notice will include the rationale for the finding and the sanctions.



  • 回应方有权对AIP的纪律处分或制裁提出上诉,如《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》的上诉和上诉请求理由所述. The link provides the grounds on which a party may appeal and a timeline for the process.
  • Cases involving suspension or expulsion from the institution are appealed to the 上诉 Officer, who is the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designee, 与负责学术事务的副校长协商后. Cases not involving suspension or expulsion from the institution are appealed to the 上诉 Panel. 申诉小组由学生行为办公室协调.
  • 上诉委员会将从学术诚信委员会的成员中选出三名成员,但不包括最初裁决案件的成员.
  • 在可能的情况下, the 上诉 Panel will consist of three 全职 faculty members. 当有三名教员不在时, the 上诉 Panel will consist of two 全职 faculty and one staff member.
  • If the final determination from the 上诉 Officer or Panel differs from the Notice of Outcome, 然后书面决定将包括理由.
  • If there is no appeal, the written Notice of Outcome represents the final determination.
  • After the final determination, the 教练 of record is notified. 他/她将指定学生的最终成绩(可能包括不及格的课程成绩),并与注册主任办公室处理适当的成绩更改.
  • If it is determined that the student did not violate the Academic Integrity policy, 制裁解除了。. 学院的成绩申诉政策仍然有效.
  • If the student is found responsible or accepted responsibility during the hearing process, the student may not appeal the grade through the Grade 上诉 process.
  • The Academic Integrity Panel process is separate from the Grade 上诉 process, 由教务处管理.



Once a student has been accused of an academic integrity violation, an investigation and resolution with the faculty member and/or hearing process will be conducted.

  • If the student has received a failing grade in the course as a result of the violation, 在调查和/或听证程序完成并且案件结案之前,他/她不得退出课程.
  • If the student did not receive a failing grade in the course as a result of the violation, 他/她将被允许退课, but the investigation and/or hearing will proceed in the normal manner.
  • If as a result of the investigation and/or hearing process the student is found responsible, the violation will remain in the student’s record with the Office of 学生的行为. However, if the student is found not responsible this decision will be noted in the student’s record.
  • 如果学生想退学, 该过程应以正常方式启动. The Office of 学生的行为 shall appropriately notify the student, 教练, 并将最终结果告知书记官长.



The following sanctions may be imposed by the 教练 including, 但不限于, 对初犯的处罚如下:

  • 赋值为零;
  • 作业不及格;
  • 班级不及格;
  • 重写作业;
  • 额外的作业;
  • 字母减级;
  • 学术诚信研讨会;
  • 其他经记录教员认为适当之处分.

如果案件被提交给学术诚信委员会(AIP), disciplinary sanction or sanctions stated in the Code of Conduct may be considered by the panel including expulsion from the College.



bet亚洲365欢迎投注 expressly prohibits retaliation against any person who has reported academic misconduct, has participated in any way in the conduct of a case of academic misconduct, or has been involved in the imposition of a sanction for academic misconduct. Any person who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.